The Dietitian's Way

I am a Registered Dietitian with a professional education in nutrition, health and wellness.  I, however am also a mother, a daughter, a wife and a business owner.  I’m a real person just trying to live a healthy wholesome life, just like you!  My business and my blog are all about that.  Making healthy living apart of your lifestyle, making it easy, affordable and do-able.   The Dietitians Way is part education, part guidance, part real-life trial and error.  I hope you continue to join me on this journey, find my knowledge helpful and smile from time to time.  

BIG 10 - Nutrition Made Easy

In today’s world you can easily get caught up in ALL the nutrition fads and spend a lot of time and energy trying to incorporate something small into your lifestyle.  Often we put so much focus on these small factors that we miss the BIG ones.  Below I have outlined what I think to be the BIG 10 – Nutrition Made Easy.  Once you have these 10 mastered then its time to start focusing on the smaller upgrades.  What is your score?  Are you a perfect 10 or are there a few that you could put some more effort into to better your health?

1.     EXCHANGE FOR WHOLE GRAINS- Aim for half your daily grains to be whole grains.  Consuming whole grains may reduce the risk of heart disease, can help in weight management and certainly help you reach 25-35 grams of daily fiber.

* Suggestion – Breakfast is really easy to incorporate whole grains; oatmeal, toast, cereal, quinoa, quick breads, waffles or pancakes.

2.     INCLUDE MORE VEGGIESThese low-calorie, fiber full, nutrient packed powerhouses are so easy to sneak in at breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner.  If you try to include them at every meal getting your recommended servings per day will be a breeze.  

* Suggestion – Sauteed chopped veggies added to scrambled eggs is an easy addition to breakfast

3.     CHOOSE HEALTHY SNACKS – Snacks are so important to incorporate throughout the day so make them count.  Try to pick snacks that will add fiber and protein to your diet, maybe even cover one of those servings of veggies or whole grains.  Your snacks should not be mindless eating, remember that snacks have a purpose!

* Suggestion –  Aim for 100-150 calories, I recommend including 2 snacks per day, mid-morning and mid-afternoon

4.    DRINK MORE AND MORE AND MORE WATER - Drinking water is essential to your health. Water helps keep your skin looking healthy, your digestive tract regular, your kidneys functioning properly, while also hydrating and recovering fatigued muscles. AND...Water can actually help control the calories you consume throughout the day in a variety of ways.

* Suggestion - Infuse your water naturally with fruit, mint and cucumber, the varieties are endless and it puts a new spin on your go-to drink.

5.     ENJOY EXERCISE – Once exercise becomes a regular part of you life you start to enjoy it, look forward to it and it becomes fun!  When you embrace it, it becomes a part of you and your lifestyle.

* Suggestion - Make sure you include a variety in your routine and challenge yourself.  Sign up for an event by yourself, with your spouse or friend, it gives you something to work towards.

6.     EAT YOUR FRUIT, DON’T DRINK IT– Fruit Juice, even 100% fruit juice, is calorie and sugar loaded.  When you choose to consume the whole fruit you get the added benefit of fiber and more phytonutrients.  Also you EAT more substance in less amount of calories.

* Suggestion - Fruit can get expensive, so choose to purchase and prepare the fruits of the season.  They are sure to be ripe, juicy and tasty too!

7.  SLOW DOWN - We are in such a hurry these days that we often don't take the time to slow down and enjoy the food we eat.  Plan ahead by purchasing, preparing and cooking wholesome healthy food.  Make eating healthy and taking care of yourself a priority and I guarantee you will feel better about who you are no matter what your weight may be.

8.     LISTEN TO YOUR BODY – Eat when you are hungry, stop when you START to feel satisfied, absolutely STOP when you feel full.  This is the KEY to portion control, you don’t have to measure every little thing you eat.

* Suggestion - Fill a large glass with water.  Now, put your fork down and take a drink after each 1-2 bites.  Evaluate how you are feeling as you eat your meal or snack.

9.    INCORPORATE A VARIETY OF HEALTHY FATS – Fat is an essential nutrient in our bodies.  Nuts, avocados, fish, oils, and seeds are all good sources.  Its so important to have a VARIETY of healthy mono and poly unsaturated fats in our diet to fulfill our body's need for healthy fats.

* Suggestion - Add nuts to salads, ground seeds to oatmeal and use a variety of different oils when cooking.

10.  EAT ENOUGH – Our body’s metabolism is like a machine and we need to continuously feed it throughout the day to keep it running efficiently.  If we don't eat enough it slows down and starts to conserve energy.  Keep moving and keep eating to maintain a healthy working metabolism!

*Suggestion - Eat every 3-4 hours throughout the day.  Aim for 5-6 small meals throughout the day totaling at least 1200 calories