The Dietitian's Way

I am a Registered Dietitian with a professional education in nutrition, health and wellness.  I, however am also a mother, a daughter, a wife and a business owner.  I’m a real person just trying to live a healthy wholesome life, just like you!  My business and my blog are all about that.  Making healthy living apart of your lifestyle, making it easy, affordable and do-able.   The Dietitians Way is part education, part guidance, part real-life trial and error.  I hope you continue to join me on this journey, find my knowledge helpful and smile from time to time.  

BIG 10 - Nutrition Made Easy

You can Major in the Majors and Minor in the Minors but you shouldn't try to Major in the Minors.  Let's back up and check out the Majors of Healthy Nutrition.  Christine is sharing her BIG 10 - Nutrition Made Easy.  Are you living a perfect 10 or are you trying to Major in the Minors?

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Get Your Soup On

Welcome to my lunch today!  I made it last weekend and our family has enjoyed this warm, hot, filling soup throughout the week.  What is your favorite soup to make over the cool winter months?

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